While every company has to provide you Pay Slips, few companies even offer a print of payslip to their employee or email salary slip in PDF format to their employees so that we can download the payslip anytime. That’s why according to law, it is your right to ask for the Pay Slip if your company is not issuing it. The employee Salary Slip is a very important legal document proof for his earnings. are exempt from the tax deductionĪdditionally, Payslip is very important for applying credit card, loans, mortgage of houses and the government benefits such as tax benefits, subsidy and medical benefits. Your salary slip provides evidence of employment A salary payslip is a legal document that verifies your work status, job title, and monthly income amount. Income(Gross Salary + Other Income) – DeductionsĬTC= Total salary package of the employeeīasic Salary + HRA + Allowances – Income Tax – Employer’s Provident Fund – Professional Tax It can help to calculate the Gross earnings and deductions. Here we prepared few Salary Slip Excel Formats with predefined formulas.
The format of Payslip consists of all earnings (fixed and variable) and deductions (fixed and variable) along with the mandatory tax deductions like TDS and FBT.